

Your body has 14 channels (meridians) carrying fundamental life energies. When we have problems there is a need to focus on specific organs or areas of the body to remove blockages which may be causing concern, sometimes with a variety of symptoms, be they physical, mental or emotional. Acupuncture needles be used to clear energy blocks that may be sabotaging you.

You can see me in my treatment room in Frome, Somerset.

  • Individual sessions

  • Gift cards available


Initial consultation

If you haven’t worked with me before, I’ll need to take your history and establish what you would like to achieve with your Acupuncture treatments. I’ll ask you questions about your life, medical history and current concerns, and where possible, give you feedback and diagnosis. £70 per session.

Regular treatment

£60 + travel (if any). Each Acupuncture session will begin with a review of how you’ve been; what I newly observe in you; and checking your tongue and pulses. I’ll tell you what comes next and anything we need to boost, refocus or adjust in order to help you. Sometimes this will be a one-off intervention , other times I will go deeper into a certain pattern affecting your health.


Human Design

YOU ARE UNIQUE. The world needs you to fulfil your purpose in a way that nobody else can perform. We should not be comparing ourselves with anybody else. Comparison is the thief of joy. There is nothing wrong with you - your individuality has a purpose, which means you can do something with your life only you can do. Finding out your contribution to life means you get to experience the deep satisfaction, recognition, freedom and surprise that comes through being able to live out your life authentically. Refusal of your life path will bring a measure of frustration, bitterness, anger or disappointment. These are merely signs to alert us to the fact that we’re “off-track” and need to re-orientate ourselves.

Human Design is a highly accurate system of analysis based on the I Ching, Western Astrology, Kaballah, Chakras, and the science of Genetics. It’s a high frequency message for those who want to achieve validation for maximum authenticity and personal success.

  • A single reading for yourself, a friend / child or teen

  • Composite relationship readings - this can be between couples, friends or parents and children.


Human Design reading - adult

£151 : I will ask for your date, time and place of birth to draw up and analyse your BodyGraph: this is the genetic blueprint for how you operate and interact with the world. You will receive a recording of our session which is usually about an hour and a half (in person or with zoom online), and also documents to support your reading. .I will go over everything in detail and give you practical pointers for your path ahead. INCLUDED will be a follow up call on zoom for you to go over anything you wish to discuss or have clarified.

Human Design reading - child or teen, and students

£124 : We are all conditioned by the age of seven so it is helpful for parents to understand their children’s Design. The reading will help you understand and improve the quality of your relationship with your children. It will also offer practical guidance on how best to encourage your child to be their authentic selves and how to make decisions correctly, which will help them to understand and live out their individuality, expressing their unique gifts and talents. You will receive a recording of our session and documents to support the reading. INCLUDED will be a follow up call on zoom for you to go over anything you wish to discuss or have clarified about your child’s Design.

Human Design composite between two adults

£142 : Ideally both adults should have had a reading to fully understand their own Design - but I can provide a consultation where only one person has had their reading. A composite shows what each of you bring to the relationship, and where there can be compromises to work with. There is nothing wrong with compromises as the information shows us how to handle them with ease and respect for each other - without judgment. You will receive a recording of our session. INCLUDED will be a follow up call on zoom for you to go over anything you wish to discuss or have clarified.

A reading of your Human Design chart tells you all about your genetic make up which includes your life purpose, the Archetypes you are here to express, your gifts and talents, how you approach relationships (of all kinds) and most importantly, where conditioning can get in the way of you being more self aware and authentic. There is no judgment in Human Design - it is purely a description of how you can lead your life correctly - which we know deep down - but things have got muddled and confused through early life conditioning. My particular interest is helping us to understand where conditioning has got in the way and how we can change that dynamic by releasing old patterns of behaviour and responses .

Once we connect with our truth - we have the correct relationships, work, careers and ideal environment which allows us to fulfil our potential and bring us true satisfaction, success, joy and peace. A chart will also show how stress affects you (and how best to deal with it); the correct way to eat and the ideal exercise for you. In these times where there are so many life-style gurus telling us we should all eat like this and live like that - it becomes confusing - and irrelevant if you do not know your genetic make-up .

We need to stand in our individual sovereignty and be responsible for our own happiness. Being told to “be positive” is not helpful - positivity is a side-effect of being empowered, not a route to becoming powerful. When we are fully authentic, we stop being triggered by others.

In these times of immense chaos and change (all part of the necessary upheaval to raise our consciousness) a reading shows you exactly how to respect your own authority. We are coming to the end of a 400 year cycle, and the door is closing in 2027! Never has it been more important to truly know ourselves. Old ‘authorities’ are breaking down all around us. It is uncomfortable, but necessary as it’s time for us to wake up and take full responsibility for expressing our uniqueness in the world. Once we fully grasp our true nature, and let go of all the influences in life that unwittingly pulled us away from our path, we can sit back and ‘enjoy the movie’ knowing that we can fulfil our destiny from a place of empowered self-love and awareness.

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